Collin Mason

Robotics + Automation


Proof of Concept

© 2021 BustedTheory

Under Construction

The Keurig Kold Proof of Concept project page is currently under emergency maintenance due to file corruption of critical backend resources. If you are a Hiring Manager interested in this project, please contact me for a detailed summary of the project.

Project Synopsis

Keurig Kold was a cold beverage dispensing applicance sold by Keurig Green Mountain capable of chilling and carbonating drinks on-demand. While working for Keurig, I developed a modular Proof of Concept that enabled rapid iteration and validation of an improved system design, significantly reducing cost to build.

Under Construction

The AutoReservoir project page is currently under emergency maintenance due to file corruption of critical backend resources. If you are a Hiring Manager interested in this project, please contact me for a detailed summary of the project.

Project Synopsis

AutoReservoir is an automated hydroponics water management system capable of balancing pH and nutrient levels in realtime via PID-controled microdosing. AutoResevoir was conceived and built as a personal project at Rochester Institute of Technology and exhibited at the university's ImagineRIT Innovation Festival.